Colon Hydrotherapy

Any plan to regain or maintain health has to include detoxification. This well respected and effective treatment is one of the most popular forms of body, mind, and spirit detoxification. Colon hydrotherapy is the safe, comfortable, gentle infusion of warm filtered water, which matches the body’s temperature of approximately 100 degrees F. The process is a restorative, painless procedure, which is both relaxing and effective.

The colon hydrotherapy process (colonic) allows a sluggish colon to begin eliminating material which has accumulated over time. It cleanses the entire colon without stressing the individual. This method provides a closed or open system in which waste material is eliminated through the instrument and out the drain line, avoiding any offensive odor and maintaining the dignity of the individual. The colonic session usually last between 30 to 45 minutes. The number and frequency of colon hydrotherapy sessions required is based upon the current status of your health and your health goals. This will be evaluated and discussed during your initial consultation with Dr. Bekki Medsker.

To prepare for your colon hydrotherapy session fill out the Wellness Intake Form prior to your arrival. You will be asked to disrobe from the waist down so please dress accordingly. To get the most out of you session, it is best to make sure you have been drinking an adequate amount of water (64 ounces a day). If you are not a water drinker, this is the time to start so that your body has already started to re-hydrate. It is best to stop all food 90 minutes prior to your appointment time and water 30 minutes prior. A warm soup that has been pureed in a blender is a nice meal after having a colonic, so plan your menu accordingly.

We Have:

-FDA registered equipment manufactured by Dotolo Research Corporation, Lifestream Purification Systems, LLC and Colon Therapeutics, Inc.
-A 3-step water filtration/purification process.
-Disposable speculum kits or rectal nozzles

Colon Hydrotherapy can be used prior to and after any diagnostic testing .
It is an effective way to clear the colon prior to a colonoscopy or after a barium enema.

New Clients:

You will need to complete a case history prior to arrival. Please fill out your client case history form by clicking on this link.


The initial office visit is $105 which includes case history, consultation and treatment. Follow up fees are $80 per session or $210 for 3 sessions when prepaid.

Naturopathic Practitioner located in Lexington, SC

Stop letting digestive issues interrupt your life.

Let our expertise provide a holistic approach to alleviating your digestive disorders.

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